FemSpinWorkshop Series - #1 in Zürich
FemSpin Consortium (FHNW, EPFL , ETH , HES-SO, PSI, SUPSI, University Basel, Bern, Zürich & Geneva)
This two-part series aims to:
- Day 1: Facilitate the exchange of experiences between different stakeholders within and across institutions to share & discuss best practices & address the biggest current gaps.
- Day 2: Develop novel solutions to address the biggest current gaps. Develop suggestions to improve existing and/or create new structures in academic institutions, start-up incubators and innovation hubs that will enable more female founders in the future.
- Formulate demands, wishes & expectations towards different stakeholders: State and university management among others.
- Draw up an implementation roadmap with measures specific to your institution or programme to create an (even) more supportive environment for future female start-ups and spin-offs.