Girls Getting Started
Impact Hub Bern
Lisa Stähli grew up on a former farm and always had different interests from those around her. She has blazed many trails as a pioneer. She has tried a lot of things and has fallen flat on her face time and time again. From her, we also learn why it pays to keep standing up for your beliefs. We learn about the role of resilience and our own mental health and balance. We are already excited to meet the empathetic Lisa, who takes her destiny into her own hands.
She is committed to the mission of bringing more diversity and women into the tech industry. As a board member of the non-profit organization Girls in Tech Switzerland, she organizes activities in Zurich and Geneva/Lausanne together with her team of 20 volunteers.
About Girls Getting Started: Do you want to get started with your own business or project? Do you love to design, to be creative or do you even want to change the world? But you don’t have a plan yet where to start?
Girls Getting Started promotes entrepreneurship among young women and individuals who identify as women. The program is free and is geared toward female vocational students, high school students and college students, among others. More: