The Wave Fellowships

The Wave Fellowship provides female students in Switzerland opportunities to jumpstart their tech careers.

📣 Exciting Opportunity for Female Tech Enthusiasts in Switzerland

➡️ Attention all aspiring female tech leaders in Switzerland! 🚀 Applications are still open for the Wave Fellowship, an initiative launched in 2023 by WeBloom and Women in Tech® Switzerland!

ℹ️ What is the Wave Fellowship?

The Wave Fellowship is a 3-day long tech program designed exclusively for third-year bachelor’s and master’s female students in Switzerland. This unique opportunity offers access to leading tech corporations such as Google  Logitech SAP  and Beekeeper  through immersive design sprint workshops, corporate matching and personalized office hours.

❓Why Apply?

✨ Unprecedented Access: Connect with top tech companies and industry experts.

🚀 Skills Enhancement: Boost your skills through hands-on tech workshops with a unique focus on AI and sustainability.

🌍 Network Expansion: Expand your professional network with like-minded female peers.

🔑 Career Advancement: Gain valuable insights and mentorship for your tech career journey.

✅ Limited spots available! Don’t miss your chance to accelerate your tech career and make a lasting impact.

🔗 Apply Now (Applications close April 30th 2024):

🙌 Let’s empower more women in tech and shape the future of technology together! Spread the word and tag your friends who might be interested. 🌸


30 April 2024



11:59 pm